1Corinthians 14:26 describes Christians arriving at church with something to contribute. Everyone has a psalm, a doctrine, a message in tongues, a revelation or an interpretation of a message in tongues. Yet in today’s church many people stagger in with nothing to give, but keen to make a huge withdrawal. They need the music, atmosphere, message and program to meet their needs, rather than them contributing to others.
This poem speaks to that situation.
When you come please bring a psalm.
Have no bucket in your arm.
Bring a hymn and prophecy.
Let us set each other free.
Let us make a banquet feast
Open even to the least.
Bring along a grace to share.
All contribute to the fare.
But alas the well is dry.
“Give me, give me” is the cry.
People only come to get,
Complaining when no needs are met.
Burned-out leaders walk away.
It’s too hard to serve today.
Where are those who love to give?
Where’s the flow that makes men live?
So when you come please bring a psalm.
Have no bucket in your arm.
Bring a hymn and prophecy.
Let us set each other free.
Chris Field, April 18, 2008
Tags: bible, bucket, church, corinthians, grace, hymn, love, new testament church, poem, prophecy, psalm, today's church
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