If “He’s in the Zone”, where is he? What in the world does it mean to be “in the zone”? And, more importantly, how do we get there?
Don’t laugh. This is really serious business and it’s worth fortunes to those who get on top of it. But for me, it’s also something that opens up heaven and divine treasures to those who know how to deal with it.
What I’m going to do here is open up the topic, since it is one that deserves a fair bit of reflection, and then build on that in future posts. Eventually, if I can keep up to it, I intend to show you have that being “in the zone” is something that David took seriously, the Apostle Paul recommended and Christians are wise to activate.
But first, let’s sort out what we’re talking about.
“In the Zone” is a term that speaks of a person’s personal focus. When a sportsman is on top of their game, focused and bringing all their energies to play on the challenge of that moment we could say they are “in the zone”. When a creative person, such as musician, is in their groove (which is another way of saying the same thing) we could say that they have entered into the zone where they flow the most naturally with their talents and abilities.
Maybe another way to look at it is from the flip-side. Have you ever been somewhere and you just weren’t connecting. Your body, your mind, your emotions or whatever just couldn’t get into the moment. It is as if you were somewhere else. That’s being out of the zone. And we see that with performers, players and business people and so on all the time. They have an off day and a below par performance.
Being “in the zone” is usually when you are at your best. It is when you have stepped into the place where your highest effectiveness is released.
So if you can enter the zone whenever you want to you will be a top performer. Mind you, sometimes it is not you that does the entering, but others who pull you through.
Not with me? When a sports team begins to beat the opposition it is interesting to note that most of the players lift their game. The team’s success pulls all the players into the zone. Or consider a comedian with a really dead audience, compared to the same performer with a really good audience. The performance is often directly affected by how others respond. So those ‘others’ have the power to pull the best out of someone – they have the ability to get that person “into the zone”.
Got it? So being in the zone is pretty important to us when optimal performance is required. And being in the zone is something we have some control over, which I’ll discuss in a later post.
Tags: in the zone, sportsman, top performers
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