A lovely young couple are currently expecting their first child. I recently felt to encourage the young dad to speak to his unborn baby. I asked if he spoke to the baby in the womb. He replied that his wife spoke to the baby at times, but he didn’t do it.
That prompted me to reflect on how we respond to the baby in the womb, especially the first one coming along.
New Relationship
Each new baby opens up for us a new relationship. With the first child we open up a whole new level of relationship. And like all new things we often face them with no real preparation. Often we don’t know that we have left things undone until many years later.
I have seven children and I have a unique relationship with each one of them. I can’t say that I have built the most exemplary relationships with them. In fact, at first, I assumed that relationship would just happen automatically. As a consequence the relationships are not as sweet or deep as they could have been.
Learning to Relate
I stumbled into relationship with my children. Because I didn’t have a concept of building relationship I ended up having to maintain relationship as a reaction to what went wrong, rather than as one building correctly from day one. My relationships grew out of the upsets, the good times and the bad times along the way. I thought that was the normal way to build relationships.
Many people do not have strong relationship skills. We usually have weaknesses in our ability, based on our own past failed relationships.
It is important to learn to relate to the child, as a conscious skill development. The new relationship is very important and needs to be pursued with intention. For those who are about to enter into relationship with a child about to be born it is important to promote the relationship rather than to just let it happen.
How to Build Relationship
Here are some suggestions for getting started on a good relationship, even whieh the baby is in the womb.
Value the relationship. Good relationships with children are incredibly valuable. Just ask anyone who lives with a broken or poor relationship with their child. Don’t take it for granted. Don’t be too casual about it. Be determined to build relationship and to so connect with your child that you are closely bonded for the rest of your lives.
Speak to your baby. There are lovely testimonies of people who have been strongly influenced by what they heard before they were born. One testimony speaks of a newborn baby in distress who settled immediately on hearing their father’s voice in the hospital ward. The baby had heard the father read the Bible to it each day as it formed in the womb. That baby knew its father’s voice from the womb and felt security from it once it was born.
Speak comfortably to your child. Over the years and from an early start, tell your child how valuable and special they are in your life. Speak of your love for them and your commitment to them. You are your child’s champion and hero, so speak into that role and encourage your child to walk in confidence because of your commitment and support.
Cast Godly vision for your child. Speak often to your child about your vision of their on-going place in your life and your on-going place in their life. Talk to them about how you are going to introduce them to God and often take them into God’s presence with you. Talk about how you are going to help them find God’s wisdom in the many challenges they will face through their childhood and youth. Speak about the times you will hug them and comfort them in the future and wipe away their tears.
If you have a daughter you can cast the vision of walking her down the aisle on her wedding day, to marry a young man who you have tested out to be suited for her. If you have a son you can cast the vision of them walking into their own areas of responsibility with the skills which you have taught them over the years and with your active support.
Love Your Child
The new relationship you will enjoy with the baby about to be born will be a relationship of love. You will have a new person to love for the rest of your life.
If you are casual about the relationship then it may never become a healthy and happy relationship. A love relationship requires that you love the child and encourage them to love you in return.
Don’t see this child as just a ‘baby’ or ‘another mouth to feed’. This child is potentially the most special person in your life. While the marriage union is always to be held above relationship with the child, yet the bond and delight that can come from the child can be incredibly enriching to your life.
Alternatively you can raise a child who despises you, cannot relate to you and who brings great pain and trouble into your life.
Get Started Now
Don’t wait until your child is old enough to help you in the kitchen or workshop. Don’t wait until they are adult. Don’t wait until they have gotten past their childish ways.
Get started now. Start building close and intimate bonds with your child from the moment they are conceived. Build it for life, not for a temporary moment.
If you are a new parent please take it from me as an older dad, that you need to take the relationship seriously, not for granted.
You have no guarantee of the child’s affection for you. If you send them to pre-school and school they will be sorely tempted to bond with their peers and not with you. When you let them down, or they feel like you have – even if you haven’t – they will pull back from you.
Make a priority of building special relationship, right from the start. Get connected with that baby in the womb.
Tags: affection, baby, baby in the womb, challenges, child, childhood, children, commitment, dad, dads, encouragement, fathering, godliness, good relationship, learning, Marriage, new baby, parenting, parents, relationship, relationship skills, relationships, responsibility, unborn baby, wisdom, youth
Can I take this message one step further Chris? This really applies to all children and grand children and fostered and adopted children too. Last year I trained as a foster carer. I have four biological children of my own, mostly grown up now. It was the season to welcome another child into my family. Once I finished the training course I began to pray about the child/children who would come into my home and family in the future. I prayed for them with friends as I prepared my own heart for whomever He had chosen and would send. In a few weeks time the phone call came and it was not what I expected at all. I had asked for younger girls but was told about a fourteen year old girl in need of a loving home. She had many challenging aspects and I am sure without the prayerful consideration prior to that, I would not have seen the way to accept her as God’s chosen child to join my family. She came for three weeks, almost a year ago : ) Now I understand why I needed to pray for her as I did and to trust the Lord to send me the child I needed and not the one I thought I wanted. She lives with us permanently now and is more of a blessing than I can say. It has not been an easy road, rather a “steep learning curve” with God’s grace abounds and His purposes are fulfilled if we hear His voice and walk in His ways. I am honoured she calls me “Mum” and so thankful she truly is my daughter.