We all like to do well for ourselves. We replace things we have with better things.
And we often like to make a good impression, comparing what we have with what others have. Texans are teased about their notion that everything is bigger and better in Texas. The rich look down on the poor. The smart look down on those who fail academically. Those on the ‘right side of town’ look down on others, and so on.
The Bible reveals that people can make choices that bring them the better or the worse outcomes. We are constantly called to make wise, godly choices and to enjoy the Best Blessings.
We are even warned that some things we think are blessings turn out to be bad for us.
The Children of Israel demanded various things but the end result wasn’t good for them.
“God granted their request, but sent leanness into their soul.” Psalm 106:15
The Bible talks of there being ‘good success’, which points to the fact that we can have ‘success’ that does not lead to good outcomes.
“Keep this Book of the Law on your lips, and meditate in it day and night, so you will be careful to do all that is written in it. Then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” Joshua 1:8
Many people have won their race, built their business, gained fame and acclaim, only to crash and burn. That type of success is far from good.
The Bible gives us a stark comparison of a good blessing against the best blessing.
When Isaac blessed his two sons, Jacob and Esau, Jacob stole the blessing that belonged to the first born son, Esau. Jacob valued that blessing, which had come down from Abraham and included the blessing of God that through the family line all families in the earth would be blessed.
Esau had previously shown himself not so keen to have that divine blessing, selling his birthright for a bowl of stew.
Jacob pretended to be Esau and received the family blessing of God’s divine grace.
Then Esau arrived to get the blessing but it was already given to Jacob. This greatly distressed Esau and he begged for a blessing from his father.
Isaac could not confer onto Esau the divine call of God, as he had already given that to Jacob. So Isaac gave the best blessing he could.
“Isaac his father said, Behold, you will live with the fatness of the earth, and the dew of heaven from above; And by your sword you will live, and will serve your brother; and it will come to pass when you have the strength, you will break his yoke off your neck.” Genesis 27:39,40
Let’s take a look at this blessing. Esau was given the blessings of the earth and the rain of heaven. That sums up all the things this world offers. He could have crops and herds, gardens and enterprise.
Further, he would live by his sword. So he would be free to use his own resources and strength and even use that to throw off any servitude to his brother. Here Esau was given all the might and power of this natural life. He could be a king or military commander. He could be a captain of enterprise. He could be great on the earth.
Many, many people today live for the best this world offers and the achievements of their own prowess giving them power over others. That blessing is the best this world offers.
Yet Esau hated Jacob for getting the Best Blessing.
“Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing with which his father blessed him” Genesis 27:41
Excuse me? Esau had the very blessing most westerners pursue all their life and yet he wasn’t happy? What is that all about?
If you had the choice of the blessings of the earth and sky and the strength to achieve what you want, wouldn’t you be happy?
However, if you had all of that and missed the blessing of God, how would you feel?
Esau’s descendants became the nation of Edom, which missed God’s blessings and has disappeared off the face of the earth.
Jacob’s descendants became the nation of Israel, which carried and still carries the blessing of God.
The different blessings given to Jacob and Esau reveal something very important. While all the blessings of this earth are wonderful and not to be despised, they are nothing when compared with the blessing of God. The blessing of God is the Best Blessing.
All you can achieve by your enterprise, energy, education, cunning and skill, with your vision, drive, insight, will-power and so on, cannot compare with the blessing enjoyed by the simpletons of this world, who achieve nothing but have Jesus living in their heart.
Millions of people who have chased and achieved significant things in this life will miss for eternity the blessing of God. At the same time, millions of people who could never achieve those same things enjoy much more wonderful blessings, by having the blessing of God through faith in Jesus Christ.
Later in the lives of Jacob and Esau we see that both men were blessed with abundant material goods. Jacob tried to give a gift of animals to Esau and Esau responded that he already had an abundance. Jacob insisted and Esau accepted the gift, but he didn’t need it. He had enjoyed the blessing conferred on him by his father. He had gained the good of the land and the rain and had used the might of his own arm effectively.
Yet there was an unseen dimension in the background of Jacob’s life; relationship with God. The blessing that rested on Abraham and Isaac now rested on Jacob and caused him to be changed to Israel, a ‘Prince with God’. No amount of natural blessing and human energy could create or match that blessing.
So, what about you? Have you chased the best this world offers? Have you realised yet that this world and your own energies and skills can’t give you the Best Blessings?
For all you achieve in your natural life, you are empty and destined to destruction, until and unless you receive the blessing of Almighty God through faith in Christ.
And Christian, all those lures to catch you up in squeezing blessing from this natural life don’t lead you to more of God’s best. They can’t give you the best blessings.
Your faith in Christ and your walk with Him deliver to you the best of the best. So re-jig your life and your lifestyle, around those things that really bring benefit. Be blessed in this life and enjoy your talents and strengths, but always keep them in their place. They are secondary to the source of true blessing in your life. Live humbly before God and, through faith in Him, and, through all your days, enjoy The Best Blessings.
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