Do you have ‘reputation’ issues? Some people are very touchy about how they are perceived by others. Are you one of them?
We all like to be thought well of, so our culture gives attention to such things as First Impressions, keeping up with fashion, avoiding gaffs and embarrassments, upgrading our technology, keeping up appearances, and looking good in the eyes of others.
For some people this is an obsession. I know people who are so concerned about what people think of them they almost make a scene trying to paint over any bad perceptions given.
It is with that common human worship of ‘reputation’ that the action of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, stands out as amazing.
We are specifically told that Jesus made Himself of ‘No Reputation’.
“Jesus made himself of no reputation, and took on himself the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men.” Philippians 2:7
Note that Jesus chose to abandon reputation when He came to earth. He disowned all idea of having to make good impressions, win people over, defend His identity and reputation, keep up appearances or answer His critics.
This gave Jesus wonderful freedom from control by others.
Have you noticed that people who feel the need to defend their reputation can easily be manipulated by those who falsely accuse them, mock them or otherwise slur their identity. This is not uncommon among children. One will taunt another, and the child taunted will feel compelled to respond. “You’re silly.” “No I’m not!” “Yes you are!” “No I’m not!” “Yes, you are!” It’s a dead-end fool’s game, empty of all meaning, yet it pulls people in to a desperate fight over reputation.
Such reputation is anchored in pride and links to the World’s deadly evil called the ‘Pride of Life’.
“All that is in the world: the lust of the flesh; lust of the eyes; and the pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world.” 1John 2:16
Pride is a fool’s trap, dragging people into the vain pursuit of reputation that holds no value. Consider what would happen if you were blessed of God and yet the whole world thought you were a loser. What is the power of the world’s combined scorn, compared to the blessing of God? It is zero. It counts for nothing.
If you are applying for a job, needing someone’s trust, or trying to build a friendship then a bad reputation is harmful, but most of the concern people have about reputation is outside those arenas, and focused just on their personal pride.
There will be multitudes of people who don’t like you, for a variety of reasons. That doesn’t mean they should, but they will, based on their own set of prejudices and dislikes. Some people hate anyone who is happy, since they aren’t. Or those who have a comfortable life, because they don’t. Or those who are male, or female, young, or old, and so on. So get used the idea that someone somewhere will likely despise you, before they know much about you at all.
Your place in life is not to win the adoration of the world, but to serve God. Your reputation may well get in the way of you being who God wants you to be and doing what God wants you to do.
Jesus faced exactly that. Jesus preexisted as God, from before creation. Yet at a point in human history God took on human form and became one of us, in order to pay for our sins. That in itself is an amazing step of humility. Jesus put aside all that made Him God, in order to live with all the limitations of humanity, to then die a barbarous death to save us.
Jesus is God and stands alongside the Father and the Holy Spirit, equal in reputation, authority and power.
“Jesus, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God” Philippians 2:6
Yet Jesus laid aside His standing as God and gave up His reputation, becoming a human.
“Jesus made himself of no reputation, and took on himself the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men.” Philippians 2:7
The Devil taunted Jesus, mocking His limited state as a mere human.
“The tempter came to him and said, If you be the Son of God tell these stones to become bread.” Matthew 4:3
“If you are the Son of God, he said, throw yourself down from here.” Luke 4:9
And the religious leaders similarly mocked and taunted Jesus.
“Come down from the cross, if you are the son of God.” Matthew 27:40
Jesus was not on earth to impress anyone. He had a crucial task to fulfil, and it had nothing to do with responding to taunts from the devil or those who would not believe in Him.
So, what about you? Are you living for God and getting about His will for your life? Are you able to do what God asks and be who God wants you to be, without care for what people think of you?
Preacher John Wimber recounted a time when he saw a man on the street wearing a sandwich board sign that read, “I’m a Fool for Jesus! Whose fool are you?” That challenged him about his own ideas and values.
Are there things you have refused to do because of what people would think of you? Are there things you still refuse to do, for fear of public opinion or criticism from your friends?
Imagine being the kind of person who can do what is right and stand up for what God wants stood for, without fear or favour. Imagine being a real person, not a cringing compromiser who is easily intimidated by the opinions of others.
Imagine giving your reputation to God and being free to do whatever God asks with complete freedom from any thought of what others might say or think. Imagine being able to meet people others don’t approve of, go places others wouldn’t go, give, serve, care, help and bless, with complete freedom to be yourself.
That’s who Jesus was on earth. And that’s who you are meant to be in your life too.
So may you embrace the call to humility and pass to the Lord all those things that would otherwise entangle you. And may you get on with the glorious life God calls you to, blessed that you have No Reputation.
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