To what does halcyon best refer?
You may have heard the expression ‘halcyon days’ or enjoyed some halcyon weather. The notion of happiness or enjoyment is linked to this term, but many do not know its mythical origins. Halcyon originally referred (back around 1350AD) to a mythical bird said to breed about the time of the winter solstice in a nest which floated on the sea, and to have the power of calming the winds and waves.
A variety of kingfisher is called halcyon. But the word is mostly applied in reference to the sense of calm, for which the halcyon bird was responsible.
So halcyon days and halcyon weather are those experiences which are calm, peaceful and enjoyable. We all wish for such times. Sadly, there is no such bird with those mythical powers. However, there is one who has calmed the storm. 2,000 years ago Jesus Christ commanded a storm to stop, and it did. On another occasion Jesus walked on the water and when he came to His disciples, struggling in the boat, the storm was stilled.
So if you are in need of some ‘halcyon’ changes in your life, don’t go hunting kingfishers, but turn in prayer to the one who can still nature and human nature, bringing peace that passes understanding.
Logophile – Afflatus
From whom would one normally expect an afflatus?
Afflatus comes from a root which means wind or breath. In centuries past much was made of the notion of breath – even back to the Greek word for spirit being pneuma – breath. Similarly the word ‘inspire’ comes from a root that means ‘to breath upon’.
And where does the most powerful breath come from? Where does the greatest inspiration originate? The breath of God has always been regarded as the source of true inspiration. And so it is with an afflatus. It is an inspiration, resulting from being breathed upon by God.
One dictionary definition for afflatus is: divine communication of knowledge
Now, in common usage, the term afflatus has been secularised to simply mean personal inspiration, as if ideas came from within a person. A poet’s afflatus may be seen as his own personal gifting to perceive and convey notions. But the place we would normally expect an afflatus is from God, Himself.
Example: Peter the fisherman, disciple of Jesus Christ, once declared that Jesus is the messiah they were all expecting and also the Son of God. Jesus’ response was to declare that Peter had an afflatus, although He did not use that terminology. Jesus said, Flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, by My Father in Heaven revealed this to you (Matthew 16:17).
May the pneuma of God blow on you, by His Holy Spirit, to inspire you, so you enjoy a daily afflatus and have much divine revelation to guide and empower you in the purposes of God.
Logophile – Verdant Vesture
What colour is a verdant vesture?
It’s the same colour as a verdant pasture and a verdant forest. Verdant ultimately derives from the Latin word viridis, which means “green”.
So a ‘verdant vesture’ is a garment of green colour.
Because vegetation is green the word verdant has taken on the meaning of vegetation. Verdant fields may mean they are green or that they are lush with vegetation. Hence we sometimes see people talk about the verdant greenery, or the verdant, green jungle undergrowth. In such cases the sense of lush vegetation has displaced the notion of ‘green’ and so the word ‘green’ is also inserted.
The Irish, at least those who aren’t Orange, spend at least one day of the year clad in verdant array. The Irish wear green to celebrate St Patrick’s Day.
Logophile – A spot test
How good is your command of English words?
Here are a few questions about words which you have probably heard. Do you know what the words mean or where they come from? Answer all the questions before checking your answers. Note your answers. I will post the answers, one each day for a week – so you will have reviewed them all in a week’s time. If I have piqued your interest to do your own word searching that’s fine too.
What colour is a verdant vesture?
From whom would one normally expect an afflatus?
To what does halcyon best refer?
Which sense identifies what is canorous?
Where will you most easily find a maelstrom?
Where is xenophobia normally directed?
Which substance is behind the word aplomb?
Be sure to get the answers sent to you by clicking the link on the lower left of the blog page, to get these posts sent to you by email.