This is yet another post on the topic of the Bible – the book I uphold as the most important book in all the world. The Bible is the most Enduring, Authoritative, Profound, Resilient, Enlightening, Impactful, Endorsed and Significant book in all of human history.
The Bible is an Enlightening book. It has the power to “turn the lights on” for people. While many books are filled with information that informs the mind, the Bible has the ability to inform the heart of the reader. As well, the Bible contains information about important things which are not revealed anywhere else. Add to that the experience which the Bible is able to create in its readers of transforming their thinking and their heart.
The Bible is often credited with opening people’s eyes. Even when people read a very familiar passage which they have read even hundreds of times before, it is common to experience a revelational insight. The experience is that of something suddenly making sense on the inside. I have enjoyed this experience many times. And it is not some temporary illusory perception, such as my school friends described from their use of hallucinogenic drugs. Those revelations gave the impression of an insight which was unable to be recaptured or nailed down when the drug-induced state wore off.
Revelation that comes through the Bible is able to be documented, explained, referred back to, built upon and integrated into a person’s whole life. The enlightenment which comes from the Bible is truly a gift to the reader. The Bible’s ability to produce such enlightenment in people of all ages, cultures, socio-economic backgrounds, education levels, and so on, makes the Bible an amazing gift to humanity.