My wife has kept in touch with the lady in Melbourne who prayed for a man who then came back to life. The lady, Nais Grant, sent Susan this report today, so I am posting it here to update the amazing events of last week. Here is Nais Grant’s Report on the Amazing Recovery of the Man Raised from the Dead in Melbourne last week.
As background to what happened: I was able to go over to the Lakeland Outpouring earlier this year. My son, Lucas, and I went over in May, and as Pastors received the ‘impartation’ night after night after the service, and also received impartation from the Arnott’s when they ministered at Ignite at the 10 am service. It was a privilege to go, and we also had the opportunity to go to the House of Prayer in Kansas City, after which we went to Redding in California to have one weekend with Bill Johnson’s church. There we received another portion of blessing and impartation.
All the above encouraged me to believe that we could see the miraculous here (in Australia). I had been saying to myself, “When will I ever be able to have an opportunity to pray for someone who has died and see the resurrection life of Christ minister life through me?”
Last week – Monday (June 30), I was in the Endeavour Hills shopping centre, and after shopping at Safeway, I noticed a man had just collapsed nearby. I went over as a couple of others ran to his rescue to try to resuscitate him. All I could see is that he was blue/black in the face, and he had stopped breathing, and I began to pray openly for God to cover this situation. Another lady walked up to me, and asked me if I was praying in tongues and I said yes, and she joined me in praying for this man. No one seemed to know who he was. He was alone. A couple of ladies were trying to get his heart pumping, and I could see that he wasn’t breathing at all, and he had blood coming out of his mouth. My new found sister in Christ – Angela, and I just kept quoting scripture and praying for this man to be kept, that there would be no brain damage, and that he would be raised up to know Jesus… to be given a second chance at life with Christ. She encouraged me, to let those around know that I was a minister, and ask if it was ok to go over and pray for him. They all said yes, so I did….. I knelt down and held his hand and prayed for him. I prayed that God would raise him up…..I rebuked death, and spoke life over him..
After much time, (prob. 10 -15 mins) the ambulance officers came in, and still they couldn’t get him to breathe, and we just kept on believing and praying for him – nothing doubting that God would break through for him. I stayed for about 30 minutes praying. Later I heard they did get a pulse, but it was arterial fibrillation, he was put into the ambulance, and then his heart beat came back, and he began to breathe. The ambulance officers didn’t have anything with them to try to restart his heart – they just took over from the ladies who were trying to get him to breathe manually. Over this whole time, we kept interceding.
Last Saturday, a Doctor, John Crock, followed it through, and we were able to go and meet the revived man, Mr. Jordon, and his wife at Monash Hospital. He was so excited to meet me. He sat there, and told me he was a miracle! He never shops at Endeavour Hills, and believes that God set up our appointment. His wife wouldn’t stop hugging me. They know it was God who raised him up. The Doctor’s report says “stunning recovery”. They expected him to be brain damaged. There is nothing wrong with him. He gets out of hospital this week. He just had a bit of memory loss last week. They actually had friends knocking on Church doors in Endeavour Hills trying to find this lady Minister who prayed for him. Here he was on Sunday afternoon, now smiling, sitting on a chair, so excited to meet me, and fully he acknowledges his recovery was a MIRACLE. (As yet I haven’t had the opportunity to talk with Angela to tell her the whole story – I gave her my number but haven’t heard from her). Dr. John will do a report for me, as he studied the ambulance report, and the report from the Doctor’s – and it said “death”, and no heart beat, no breathing, and now he’s well and truly alive & getting out of hospital.
I had Dr. John come with me to my Church, here at Hope Generation (AOG) that I planted with my family 8 years ago, to give witness to the fact that this man was dead from the records and is alive today due to the prayer and intercession made on his behalf by myself and this other lady I still have yet to talk to !
Tags: miracle, raised form the dead, resurrection
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