My father, Pastor Clive Field, passed into glory on May 16, 2019.
Just yesterday the family gathered from far and wide for the funeral, which was a celebration of his life.
Clive was born in poverty and obscurity. Until his salvation in 1959, he despised the church, and tragically, through his own irresponsibility, his 3 year old son drowned while he should have been watching him.
Then, in his mid 20’s, through the ministry of Billy Graham, mum and dad, Clive and Rose, were gloriously born again and their sad lives rescued.
Dad went on to become a preacher, church planter, head of a denomination and spiritual father to many he raised into ministry.
Clive had next to nothing going for him yet was held in God’s hands.
Despite Clive’s rejection of God, God never rejected him.
Despite Clive’s weaknesses, God was ready to be strong in and through him.
Despite Clive losing his son through irresponsibility, God had already given His Son, Jesus, on purpose, so Clive could move in the power of God and enjoy eternity with God.
Clive is testimony to what God can and will do with the most unlikely people, and with people who have already gotten things terribly wrong.
And so it is with mixed emotion, and grateful hearts, that we farewell Clive Field and invite each of you to let Clive’s wonderful God do in and through you, what God did through his unlikely servant, Clive Field.
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