Having introduced you to my interest in words I now offer a rather over-the-top collection of verbal bric-a-brac. The only purpose is to put a few lesser known words into a sentence of two in the hope of getting something of a grip on the terms themselves.
For the sport of it, see how many words you would not need to look up to be sure to use them correctly.
Here ’tis:
“Though I am a crapulous dilettante and ignorant parvenu with no virtu, I will with alacrity provide munificent titivation to this apothegm (or is it a pablum?) with some salutary simulacrum of the ululation of an aubade.
Though this is outside my métier please do not be a hortatory martinet but show benignant acceptance of my rebarbative panoply of fustian. If you, as a cognoscente, deny me fulsome acclaim and force me to rusticate in the desuetude of my métier I will seek equipoise through aspersions cast at your turgid and otiose persona. I will attack your cupidity with every appurtenance at my disposal. I will not derogate from this execrable objective until I remove every patina around you and expose you as a harridan, and defenestrate your reputation with edacious cupidity.”
Tags: logophile, meanings, Vocabulary, word meanings, words
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