In an earlier post, UFO Sightings, I shared about my observations as a teenager visiting a hypnotist show where the subjects saw UFO’s after they had been hypnotised. I was near them at the time and saw the terror in their faces as they fled from things they pointed at in the sky. Yet I could see nothing.
Their sightings were very real to them, but based on a trick in their mind, via hypnosis, not based on what was really there.
Hypnotic Effect
What struck me was not just the UFO sightings, but the mood change I noted in one fellow I saw several times after the show.
I also wondered if the UFO sightings were implanted suggestions by the hypnotist, or him preparing them for something that would happen anyway, whether he implanted the idea or not.
The flying saucer incident and the morose condition of the subject gave me grave concerns about the impact of hypnosis. It seemed to me that some kind of spiritual compromise was experienced by subjects of hypnotism, making them vulnerable to spiritual forces which terrified them, and subject to personality altering influences which depressed them.
I have far too little evidence to make a case, but I have kept those thoughts filed away, as a caution.
The Name of Jesus
But now, here is something that I did not know and which struck me as very significant.
Gary Bates relates in this book, Alien Intrusion, that people who have been going through some form of alien visitation have at times called on the name of Jesus. I expect they did this in fear, invoking the one name that they knew could protect people from harm.
In every case where people called on the name of Jesus the aliens would immediately disappear and the ‘visitation’ experience would stop.
Now, that is bizarre. If real creatures from outer space were standing in a room they could not be made to disappear by mentioning President Obama or King Fu Panda. Mentioning a name should have no impact on the physical presence of a physical reality.
But if mentioning the name of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, causes supposedly physical manifestations to disappear and not come back, the implication clearly is that the visitation was spiritual, not tangible.
Deceiving Spirits
The Bible warns that there are demon spirits, fallen angels now serving the devil, whose job it is to deceive people.
“Now the Spirit speaks expressly that in the latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils” 1Timothy 4:1
The existence of unexplainable phenomena of a spiritual nature and leading people to believe things to be real which are not really happening, fits the description of “seducing spirits”. It is highly likely that what people experience as alien contact is nothing more than people seeing demons. Those demons present themselves in the manner that best achieves their purpose, which is to deceive.
Does it Fit?
Let’s refer back to my beachside observations from forty years ago and see if the idea of deceiving spirits fits the hypnosis situation I mentioned earlier.
People were subjected to hypnosis, overriding their will and opening them up to spiritual influence outside their control. Consequently they saw demon spirits, in the form of aliens. The fruit of that ‘visitation’ was terror and depression.
Does that sound like what we should expect from demon activity? To me it does.
And it fits the facts, such as the aliens evaporating when the name of Jesus Christ is called upon by people. It fits the situation where the actions of these manifestations are beyond what is possible in terms of the laws of physics.
Read the Book
These are my cogitations, based on what I have observed. For those who want to take the matter further I commend the book, Alien Intrusion, by Gary Bates. Gary’s extensive research and balanced review of the facts will be illuminating, even if it challenges your own ideas.
Meanwhile, be ready to question the idea that these ‘aliens’ have travelled from deep space and offer any hope to mankind. That is exactly the type of deception the devil would like to pull off. He would like us to submit to him, even if we did so in the belief we were dealing with highly evolved creatures from far away.