The Bible is the most Enduring, Authoritative, Profound, Resilient, Enlightening, Impactful, Endorsed and Significant book in all of human history.
The Bible is the basis of my life. And one of the reasons I find this book so amazing and valuable is its Resilience. This is one of those qualities which makes the Bible a Profound book. The Bible has endured vigorous attack, down through the centuries.
For all of its authority and profundity the Bible has been the most vigorously opposed book in all of human history. Kings and philosophers and opposing religions have waged long and bitter war against the Bible, and yet never with success. Roman Emperors opposed the Bible. In modern times Communist governments banned the Bible. Yet neither could frustrate its resilience.
An example of one who opposed the Bible is the noted French infidel, Voltaire, who died in 1778. He predicted that in one hundred years from his time Christianity would be swept from existence and passed into history. Sidney Collett notes, in All About The Bible, that “Voltaire has passed into history, while the circulation of the Bible continues to increase”.
Note too that when opposition to the Bible is removed and it is allowed to be disseminated among a people, the positive results are measurable. And the Bible not only outlived its opponents, in many instances it has converted them.